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NCR's Gastro-liver Centre 

19, House Board Colony, Near Vinayak Plaza

Main Jharsa Road, Gurgaon


Clinic phone  0124-4799519   

for appointments call between 9:00am to 7:00pm Or


if difficulty contact

Mobile-                  +91-9540898953 (Mr Deepak, PRO of the clinic) 

Mobile-                  +91-9818332162 (Dr Arvind Kumar)


For Consults best time is a slot between 9am-5pm. Emergency consults are seen SOS. Very sick patients for example unconscious liver patients, severe pain in abdomen, bleeding profusely patients etc. are advised to rush to suggested hospital after informimg the doctor on phone.

For Upper GI endoscopies best time is in morning after a night’s fast. But at least 6 hrs fasting and at least 2 hrs without water is minimum requirement for safe and effective endoscopic evaluation during the day.

For colonoscopies usual appointment given is for afternoon (1-4 pm) for which preparation has to be started in morning. Otherwise an appointment for morning would require a preparation previous evening. Preparation details can be clarified at time of appointment from the desk secretary at PH (0124) 4799519

For Colonoscopy one would be required to start consuming PEGLEC at least 6 hrs prior to appointment. The 2 litre solution prepared after mixing the PEGLEC packet in 2 litres water has to be consumed slowly in sips over a period of 2 hrs @ 1 glass/20 minutes. It has to be followed with 2-3 litres of additional clear liquids like water, lemonade, coconut water. Oral consumption is stopped 1-2 hrs before the procedure. One is expected to have 6-8 loose stools to clean the bowel. Preparation is safe and has no side effects except in patients who have renal failure or congestive cardiac failure. 

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